
Inset photo of the my unc mobile app screen next to a student looking at a cell phone.


全新My UNC Mobile应用程序将提升学生体验

有了这项技术更新,新的My UNC移动应用程序提供了更好的数字功能 experience, ensuring the UNC community is well-informed through enhanced functionality.

北科罗拉多大学(UNC)很高兴推出一个新的和改进的 我的UNC移动应用程序,将于6月30日取代旧的UNC移动应用程序. 这种变化 marks the beginning of a broader effort to modernize and streamline the university's digital resources for students, faculty and staff and  UNC's enterprise resource environment.  

Wade Bumgarner, director of Enterprise Systems and Technology Experience and project manager for the new app, shared that the new and improved My UNC mobile app is more 而不仅仅是其前身的升级版. 与第一代应用程序不同, which was heavily menu-driven and required multiple clicks to access different functionalities, 全新应用程序降低复杂性并增强用户参与度.  

"In the past, students mainly used the old app for checking course schedules and grades," 说Bumgarner. “然而,在最初的几次之后,使用率趋于显著下降。 学期的几周. 有了这款新应用程序,我们希望让学生们始终参与其中。 本学期通过添加更多集成和有用的特性."

 “新应用程序将显著提高效率,尤其是在诸如此类的活动中。 新生迎新会。”


Users will find the same data and features from the previous app but with new innovative 以及个性化的功能,包括:

  • Personalized Dashboards: Customize your dashboard for quick access to essential information 和资源.
  • 交互式校园地图:用详细的地图和可搜索的方式轻松导航校园 位置.
  • Consolidated 日历: A consolidated calendar offers one-click access to UNC Events 和田径项目. 事件和活动卡提供访问BearConnect的权限, 艺术日历,UNC售票处,和UNITE系列.
  • 参与体验:与校园活动和量身定制的活动保持联系 你的兴趣.  

In the next two years, the university will make additional significant enhancements such as incorporating features from the university’s Ursa portal and will eventually 在我的UNC应用程序和我的.奇怪的人.edu. 

截至6月30日,旧的UNC Mobile应用程序将完全过时。. 学生和 faculty are encouraged to download the new My UNC app as soon as possible to ensure 平稳过渡.  

"One of our main goals is to make sure students are not caught off guard by this change 当他们回来为新学期,”Bumgarner说。. “我们正在投入大量资金 努力推广应用程序并确保每个人都做好准备." 

One of the most anticipated features of the My UNC app is the direct integration with 博天堂官方学生信息系统(Canvas). 这最终将允许学生 perform tasks such as course registration directly from the app, eliminating the need 对于一台电脑来说. 

“新应用程序将显著提高效率,尤其是在诸如此类的活动中。 布姆加纳说. “我们希望提供一个全面的工具 这满足了所有学生的需求." 

这个项目,由1美元.国家拨款200万,涉及移民 一个更现代化的平台,Ellucian SaaS,将于2025年10月完成. 

To ensure the app evolves to meet user needs, Baumgarner’s team is using Google Analytics 看看学生们是如何与这款应用互动的. 此信息将用于分析 为学生和非学生提供完善应用程序功能的解决方案. 

“我们也将依靠校园社区的反馈,”Bumgarner说。. "Our goal is to continuously improve the app based on real user interactions and needs. With help of our campus partners we are constantly finding ways to improve its functionality, 永远把学生放在心上." 

向My UNC应用程序的过渡是UNC实现统一的战略举措的一部分 数字体验. 随着各种平台的整合和 new functionalities, the app aims to be a central hub for all university-related activities. 随着各种平台的集成和新功能的增加, 该应用程序旨在成为所有大学活动的中心枢纽. 

“我们对My UNC应用程序改变我们社区方式的潜力感到兴奋。 与大学服务部门的互动,”Bumgarner说。. “这仅仅是个开始, and we look forward to rolling out more features that will make life easier for everyone 在UNC." 


