
An poster in a classroom showing a basic network topology diagram with labeled components for student learning.

Measuring School Performance: Looking Beyond Standardized Testing and Scores

Doctoral student ‘s research supports popular educational ecosystem framework as a 如何理解和应对学校改革.

A 北科罗拉多大学 study is reexamining Elliot Eisner's framework for 学校改进. The late Stanford professor, who worked in school curriculum and qualitative research, advocated viewing education as an ecosystem of mutual dependence. 萨拉·坎贝尔,博天堂官方的学生 教育研究.D. 程序他正在进行这项研究 克里斯蒂·麦康奈尔教授教育与行为科学学院' 教师教育学院.


"Dr. McConnell and I have been trying to bring back into popular thinking the idea that instead of just looking at testing or test scores, we should be looking at the 整个生态系统. I love the metaphor from science — different parts of the ecology work together, depend on each 其他 and influence each 其他," 坎贝尔说.

Through focus groups and interviews, Campbell and McConnell are learning how nine U.S.-based researchers apply Eisner's ecology framework to their work. 一篇博天堂官方网站 the study will be presented at the American 教育al 研究 Association's annual meeting in April and subsequently submitted for publication.

After 17 years 在 classroom, Campbell yearned to make a larger impact, bringing 她到UNC. In the 教育al Studies 程序, her cohort meets in person in Loveland 每年夏天去一个星期. Otherwise, it connects online, enabling the Denver South High 学校英语老师继续工作.

She said Denver high schools are rated on the number of students who take the standardized college entrance exam, the SAT, or the practice version, the PSAT. 坎贝尔说 metric is ineffective and doesn't help schools improve, largely because it misses 还有很多教育的其他方面.

"The way a teacher teaches is dependent on whether they have a classroom that is big enough, a school that has good support from leaders and curriculum that is meaningful. 所有的部分都是相连的. The Eisner method could offer understanding of what's happening in schools and lead to changes that would benefit teachers and students," 坎贝尔说.

As McConnell's graduate assistant, Campbell found her ideas were welcome when the two previously edited a book chapter, titled “Eisner’s School Ecology,” to be published 《博天堂官方》. 他们继续得到积极的回应 两人在艾斯纳的研究中合作.

"Dr. McConnell wanted me to collaborate with her, and I felt so honored she saw that 我的能力. Eisner, too, was about building community, seeing through the lens 以及我们是如何相互联系的. 哲学本身就是博天堂官方网站 人们相互联系,”她说.

Last year, Campbell's paper, “How ‘Stayer’ Teachers are Impacted by Administrators: 《博天堂官方网站》发表在《博天堂官方》杂志上 & 教学对话,她给了一个相关的 presentation at UNC's Fall 2022 研究生 研究 Symposium. 她的许多学术研究 作品在专业期刊上发表. 此外,她还是一个有创意的作家 with numerous publications, including a book of essays on Front Range mountains and 以今年秋天出柜的女性命名的湖泊.

Similar to how her writing straddles genres, McConnell said Campbell bridges the theory and practice gap, taking concepts that could improve schooling and teachers' conditions and figuring out how to apply them in classrooms.

"Sarah sees connections and grasps a range of ideas quickly and easily and synthesizes 他们以一种创造性和独特的方式. For example, 在 Perspectives of Curriculum class she was able to see, not just the big concepts from curriculum theorists, but also how to take these ideas and use them to help the conditions of teachers or what students are learning or how we're doing evaluations," McConnell said.

McConnell is hopeful their study will help those interested in school reform understand 学校的复杂性. She noted that a change in one area, such as assessments, necessitates changes in 其他 areas, like curriculum, pedagogy, intentions and structures. McConnell believes Campbell's work can expand Eisner's reach and further the framework's use as a communication tool between theory and practice.

"Sarah can write both analytically and creatively and allow those voices to feed each 其他. She intentionally weaves together her beautiful literary writing style with deeply intellectual and analytical concepts related to education. 那会让她 in a position to be heard 在 academic field," she said.

After she graduates from UNC in May 2025, Campbell plans to keep teaching and contributing 实地调研.
