

You have the option of contacting outside community agencies for support. 这些机构 not have the same obligations as the university to report or investigate incidents.

Outside agencies do not have authority to independently arrange on-campus remediation such as on-campus housing changes, academic accommodations, assistance with financial aid, student employment, or other academic and campus accommodations. 寻求帮助 with these type of accommodations please contact ASAP for confidential support and 校园服务.  


The Sexual Assault Victim Advocate Center (萨瓦河)
Hotline: 970-472-4200, Office: 970-506-4059
Provides crisis intervention, 宣传, and counseling for all those affected by sexual 暴力.

Women Incested Needing Group Support (翅膀)
Peer support group for survivors of childhood sexual abuse.

Crisis Line 970-356-4226, Business Office 970-351-0476
Services for battered women, including safe housing, crisis counseling, support and 宣传.

North Colorado Medical Center
16街1801号., 970-352-4121
Community hospital with 24 hour emergency care, rape kit procedures, preventive care for STI's and pregnancy.

North Range Behavioral Health
第11大道1306号., 970-347-2120
Community mental health center providing individual, family, and group therapy on 滑动刻度.


Survivors Organizing for Liberation
Since 1986 Survivors Organizing for Liberation (SOL) has been dedicated to eliminating all forms of 暴力 within and against the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) communities in Colorado.

Colorado Coalition Against Sexual Assault (CCASA)
Information on rape crisis centers throughout Colorado.

Colorado Coalition Against Domestic Violence (CCADV)
Toll Free: 1-800-799-7233
Information on services in Colorado for those impacted by domestic 暴力.

Colorado Anti Violence Program
24hr Statewide Hotline: (888) 557-4441, Office: (303) 839-5204
Since 1986 the Colorado Anti-Violence Program has been dedicated to eliminating 暴力 within and against the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) communities in Colorado, and providing the highest quality services to survivors. CAVP提供 direct client services including crisis intervention, information, and referrals for LGBT victims of 暴力 24 hours a day.

Colorado Organization for Victims Assistance (一家)
Offers a statewide directory of service providers for crime victims.


The Anti-Violence Project
212-714-1141 (Bilingual 24/7)
AVP provides direct client services to LGBTQ & HIV-affected survivors of all forms of 暴力, including hate 暴力, intimate partner 暴力, sexual 暴力, pick-up 暴力, and institutional 暴力.

Abused Deaf Women's Advocacy Services
Abused Deaf Women’s Advocacy Services empowers Deaf and DeafBlind survivors of domestic 暴力, sexual assault and harassment to transform their lives, while striving to change the beliefs and behaviors that foster and perpetuate 暴力. We provide comprehensive services to individuals and families, community education, and 宣传 on systems 政策问题.

Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network
希望1 - 800 - 656 (4673)
Referral service to the nearest rape crisis center for callers throughout the United 州

National Coalition Against Domestic Violence
Information on services throughout the United 州 for those impacted by domestic 暴力.

National 性暴力 Resource Center
A clearinghouse for information, research, and resources on sexual assault.

National Center for Victims of Crime
Resources and help for victims of any crime, nationwide.


An online resource for information and referals; serves transgender and gender nonconforming survivors of domestic and sexual 暴力.

An online support group, message board, and chat room for rape, sexual assault, and sexual abuse survivors. You are not alone, you are not broken, and you can heal.

National Electronic Network on Violence Against Women
An online resource for advocates working to end domestic 暴力, sexual assault, and other 暴力 in the lives of women and their children.